Dance 2017 | New Year's Resolutions
There are plenty of reasons to celebrate the beginning of a New Year. Not only is it a chance to reflect on the year gone by, on every lesson learned and every achievement and experience of the previous twelve months, it’s also an opportunity to look forward, be ambitious, and decide how to make the most of the year ahead.
With every new year also comes that familiar urge to refocus goals and renew passions. It’s a fresh start, a brand new chapter gleaming with possibilities and the excitement of unknown opportunities. It's also the perfect time to set a goal and hold yourself accountable to staying on track.
So whilst you’re contemplating what the past year has taught you and which dreams and milestones are worth reaching for this year, here are some New Year's resolutions, reflections and advice from a few of our favourite people in the dance industry.
Energetiks Ambassador, YAGP Medallist and Royal Ballet School student
“To embrace all the opportunities and experiences that are presented before me on this amazing journey.”
A non-dance New Year’s resolution of yours?
Be happy, live simply, show gratitude and fill my life with love.
What are you most proud of achieving in 2016?
My proudest achievement for 2016 would have to be my bronze medal in the Senior Women’s Division at the Youth America Grand Prix. It was such an overwhelming moment
for me and something I will remember forever!
Follow Makensie: @bambiballerina
Energetiks Ambassador, dancer, teacher, choreographer and Dream Dance Company member
"My dance goal is to learn a new style of dance that I have never tried before!"
What are you most looking forward to in 2017 with dance?
I am very lucky to be a part of both Opera Australia’s “Carmen” (choreographed by Kelley Abbey) and The Dream Dance Company’s third season, as directed by Marko Panzic and choreographed by Sarah Boulter, both in the first half of the year! I am very much looking forward to those two experiences.
The best lesson you’ve learned this year?
To go with the flow and to not overwhelm myself with too many things at once. Learn to balance things and look after myself, not just as a dancer but as a human!
Follow Cat: @catsantos
Dance photographer
“For the coming year, I’m hoping for the opportunity to make a commercial campaign where I can highlight the dancers to a higher scale. It would be awesome to work on the kind of international campaign where we can push the skills of the dancer to another level...”
Little Shao's work, here featuring Energetiks Ambassador, Bianca Scudamore
What do you find most rewarding about working with dancers?
It's my culture, my world, so I feel at home playing around with friends who I can understand so well. I create a picture the same way I would create a dance piece, so in many ways I feel more like a choreographer than a photographer!
What are you most looking forward to in 2017?
A Tour with the Red Bull Allstars in France during March.
What’s some advice for anyone wanting to pursue their dreams this year?
Just make it happen. Don't sleep, don't eat, do it!
Follow Little Shao: @littleshao
Energetiks USA Ambassador
“To have more opportunities to get to use my dance abilities and experience in the modelling industry and in commercials.”
Rachelle Di Stasio, photographed by Chris Bagôt in Malibu, California
What's your other resolution this year, one outside of dance?
Continuing to work hard and staying focused in reaching my dreams for 2017, and to always choose to have an open and positive mindset and a grateful heart.
Your favourite moment of 2016?
One of my favourite moments of 2016 was dancing on the Met Stage at Lincoln Center, NYC.
Follow Rachelle: @rachelledistasio
Freelance dancer, performer and model
“My New Year’s resolution is to be open to all of the opportunities available to me and to be more adventurous in every experience l go through. If I can accomplish one more thing than I did the year before, then every year I will improve and grow as a dancer.”
What’s another New Year’s resolution, one outside of dance?
When the new year approaches, it is another time to start fresh, try something new or better myself in some way. For 2017 l'm really going to be throwing myself into auditions, auditions and more auditions! I may be heading off to the U.S. in a year so hopefully more opportunities will arise then.
What are you most excited for this year?
I’m excited for all the new challenges and opportunities that might head my way in 2017.
Follow Holly: @hollyportelli
Freelance dancer, former SYTYCD contestant and Houston Ballet Soloist
“To keep educating myself in the dance world by seeing more ballet's performed by various ballet companies, make sure I see the Broadway shows that tour through the cities I’m in or catch a dance show that is running in New York at the time. You learn so much from watching, but also can get so inspired by other artists and their work. On a more personal dance level, I am going to try to tackle my weaknesses in ballet class. Really work on using my feet and articulating through them because my feet tend to flop while I dance. Work on my jumps to the left side, because I tend to disregard my weaker side, especially as I get older. Also try to take some pas de deux classes. I have been freelancing the past year so working with partners and pas de deux work has not been a big priority.”
Photography: Loretta Richert
What’s a non-dance related resolution for this year?
To stay in touch with long distance friends better and call my family more often. Also read more! I am on my phone and the internet and watch too much junk television… I’m ashamed to admit it!
What are you most looking forward to this year?
Making more connections in the dance world and meeting more wonderful human beings who share the same passions. Helping coach younger generations of dancers, travelling, and hopefully being on the stage more. I still feel young and like I have more to offer the dance community, and that my time isn’t up yet!
Follow Jim: @jimnowakowski
Dancer at the Stuttgart Ballet's John Cranko Schule, foodie and Energetiks blog writer
"I don’t usually make News Year's resolutions, but this year my aim is to continue working hard."
Something valuable you’ve learned in 2016?
Finding down time. I have learnt the key element to success is having down time. Our bodies are not machines and can’t always sustain 110%, 24/7.
Giving our mind and body enough time for rest allows us to unwind and enjoy other interests. It then allows the focus during class time to be more efficient and beneficial.
What are you most looking forward to in 2017?
Graduating in July from the John Cranko Schule, and commencing a career as a Professional Ballet Dancer.
What advice or inspiration would you share with others for this year?
It is only natural that one continues to work on their strengths, but you must recognise your weaknesses and focus on them, even if this means neglecting your strengths for a short period of time. This will ensure you are continually growing and improving.
Follow Alexandra: @ballerina_bites
"Thinking about 2017 I want to make sure I always take time to live in the moment and soak up my experiences."
What was your favourite part of 2016?
2016 was a very challenging and rewarding year so I have quite a few memorable moments. A highlight though was the tour to Hamburg for the John Neumier "Yondering" 20 year celebration where I was given the opportunity to perform a pas de deux called 'Aria.'
What is a goal you have outside of dance for the new year?
Always trying to increase my range of French vocabulary!
What are you most looking forward to in 2017?
There are a lot of exciting things on the agenda for 2017! First up is a William Forsythe workshop which starts next week.
Follow Bianca: @bunc_1999