GODDESS | Introducing the Dream Dance Company for 2019
Community, Industry Events, Profiles, Interviews, Most PopularEnergetiksDream Dance Co, The Dream Dance Company, The Dream Dance Co, Goddess, Caetlyn Watson, Marko Panzic, Company, Dance Com, professional dancers, Commercial, Urban
Style and Finesse: Dancing With The Stars' Jarryd Byrne
Interviews, Profiles, Industry Events, Community, Male DancersEnergetiksDancing With The Stars, DWTS, Jarryd Byrne, Olympia Valance, Partnerwork, Latin dance, Ballroom, Competition, Dance
Breaking the mould: Energetiks Model Search Winner Joel Burke
Dance News, Editors Pick, Profiles, InterviewsEnergetiksJoel Burke, Energetiks, Dance Informa, Model Search, Qeensland Ballet, Model Search Winner, Energetiks Ambassador, Victorian Dance Festival, Elly Ford, Photoshoot
Alexandra McMaster talks dance, delicious food, and exciting plans for 2019.
Siobhan Johnstone: Aerial Queen and Global Traveller
Interviews, Profiles, Health + FitnessEnergetiksaerial, aerial silks, aerial hoop, aerial lyra, aerial arts, aerial dance, acro, acrobatic, trapeze, aerialist, dance, Siobhan Johnstone, Emily Newton-Smith
Talking Pointe | Q & A with an Energetiks Pointe Shoe Fitter
About Energetiks, Employment, Profiles, Interviews, Pointe info, Editors PickEnergetiksPointe shoes, Ballet, Dance, Pointe shoe fitting, pointe work, pointe, en pointe, Energetiks, Pointe shoe fitter
Dance Stories: Artistic Director Anouk Van Dijk of Chunky Move
Dance Stories, Editors Pick, Interviews, ProfilesEnergetiksdance stories, dance, Contemporary dance, dance inspiration, artistic director, cunningham, laban, forsythe, graham, Emily Newton-Smith
What is Barre class and why is it so beneficial to dancers (and everyone else)?
Dance Advice, Interviews, Profiles, Advice + Tips, Male Dancers, Health + FitnessEnergetiksdance tips, Dance Advice, workouts, dance workouts, barre, barre class, dance class, cross-training, fitness advice, fitness, dance conditioning, stretching, strengthening exercises, Emily Newton-Smith
Dance Stories: Carol Green and the Dying Swan
Dance Stories, Dance Inspiration, Interviews, ProfilesEnergetiksAdult Dance, Adult ballet, Adult dancer, Ballet, inspiring, Inspirational, Pointe Shoes, The Atelier Collection, Lace, Emily Newton-Smith
Introducing Portia Talib: Energetiks 2018 Model Search Winner
Dance News, Community, Interviews, Profiles, Most PopularEnergetiksPortia Talib, Introducing, Energetiks, Model Search, Interview, Energetiks Model Search, Dance Informa, VDF, dancer, model, Elly Ford
Going Places: Callum Mooney Premieres 'WeAreSOUND'
Dance News, Community, Interviews, Profiles, Male DancersEnergetiksdance, dance events, Callum Mooney, WeAreSOUND, Choreography, Dance interview, choreographer, dance performance, Sydney, Elly Ford
Force of Nature: Choreographer Sarah Boulter and the Dream Dance Company
Industry Events, Community, Interviews, ProfilesEnergetiksSarah Boulter, The Dream Dance Company, Enter the Vortex, Marko Panzic, Sydney, Australian Dance, Australian Dance Industry, Choreographer, Energetiks Talks With, Energetiks Interview, Dance interview, Dance, News
Stepping into the Spotlight: Genée Gold Medalist Maeve Nolan
Dance News, Community, Interviews, ProfilesEnergetiksMaeve Nolan, ballet, dance, ballet interview, genee international ballet competition, Genee, Lucinda Dunn
Introducing Makensie Henson: Australia's rising talent
Interviews, ProfilesEnergetiksMakensie Henson, One to watch, Energetiks Talks With, Inspiring, ballet, ballerina, dancer, dance advice, dance blog
Catarina Santos: Creating her own reality
The Food Diary of a Dance Student
Ballerina Bites, Health, Interviews, Profiles, Health + FitnessEnergetiksAlexandra McMaster, Ballerina Bites, Food diary, healthy recipes, healthy eating, ballet, A Dancers Life